What's an embedding vector, and how we can use neural networks to improve the relevance of search results?
Tech debt, knowledge debt, and the kitchen sink.
From n-grams to ChatGPT, how language models work and how they can be used to solve real-world problems.
Essential terms and concepts of how search works. Queries, indexes, & relevance.
Bitwise or getting a bit wise? Quick post on quirky Python syntax for working with sets and dicts.
How to automaically retry requests and not blow stuff up
Creating a virtual machine translator for the Nand2Tetris course
Planting the seeds of my own digital garden
The first half of the Nand2Tetris course
Adding search to a static site with accessibility in mind using Fuse.js and Downshift
Search UX and comparing options for search on a static site
Quick tips for using git stash.
Building a theme switcher with Tailwind CSS and React.
Creating a blog with Figma, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, and Gatsby (React).